This month we were busy at Project READ, winding down the school year and gearing up for SUMMER! This past week Project READ offered two Family Story Hours at our downtown library and our Fair Oaks branch. We had 100 people in attendance at our downtown location alone!
Families celebrated our father's this month with the amazing family book, Because I'm Your Dad, which was given to each family as they checked in for the night. Samba Samba with James Henry entertained our
families, inviting children and parents to play instruments from around the world. Hands On Bay Area (HOBA) volunteers took part and helped children create crafts for their dads related to the theme of the book.
Bags of fresh fruit and vegetables were handed out to families at the end of each event to encourage healthy and delicious eating habits, thanks for community partner,
Second Harvest Food Bank.
If you'd like to try a craft at home, check out the directions below!
Monster Popsicle Stick Craft
colored popsicle sticks
a colored popsicle stick
googly eyes
Take markers and decorate your monster.
Use as a bookmark in your favorite book!