Our annual Back-to-School Story Hour and Backpack Give Away was a huge success thanks to the generosity of community partners and volunteers in our community, including Box.com, Carbon and Hands On Bay Area (HOBA). Events like these truly illustrate the power behind community giving.
Thanks to our community, over 200 Project READ students received backpacks filled with much needed school supplies to start of the school year. Over 200 children and parents attended our Back-to-School event this year.
Samba Samba, the children's percussionist performed for our families; students were able to play a variety of instruments from around the world. Students created crafts and projects themed around "back-to-school" with the help of 21 HOBA and community volunteers. All of our students were able to fill their backpacks with new books of their choice and our monthly family book.
Students proudly wore their new backpacks as they left the event, confident and ready for a new year of school!