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  • Writer's pictureProject READ

Bridging Families Through Books

Project READ has been working with incarcerated learners and tutors in the Choices program at San Mateo County Correctional Facilities for years, using books as a way to bridge families through literacy. For several years now we have been holding card-making workshops in the Choices program, and allowing participants to choose books to mail home to their children. This year we expanded the event to all the men and women in the Choices program. Everyone was given the opportunity to make holiday crafts and cards for their loved ones. We also brought in a large selection of children's books, ranging from board books to chapter books, and allowed each participant to choose a book for his/her child.

Being away from their families is particularly hard at this time of year. This event allowed parents to stay connected to their children through the gift of literacy. In addition to the cards and books, HOBA volunteers assembled gift bags filled with pencils, stickers, erasers, crayons, stuffed animals, slime, and coloring books to be sent home. The gift bags were assembled by at our November Story Hour.

In all 68 people participated in this event, and we mailed out 155 books to children. It is programs like these that continue to inspire hope in our families.

Thank you to all of our HOBA volunteers!

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